Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why Johnny Can't Preach Part 1

As I have recently started a new book, Why Johnny Can't Preach by T David Gordon, I thought it would be nice at least for myself to take down some observations of mine while reading through it. I have only started the first chapter but here are somethings I have noticed so far. 
First I seem to agree on every point so far. I think Gordon has hit the nail on the head as they say. He addresses the number one problem I find in most every church I attend. People cannot preach these days. It disturbs me even more when I hear bad preaching continually at a seminary chapel where the cream of the crop is supposed to be. If the cream of the crop can't preach how can we have confidence that anyone does. 
Second I agree with him that maybe a little more than one percent of preachers out there can preach. People continually accept bad preaching because the pastor does so much other stuff excellently but don't we wish that it was the other way around. I wish for once I would find someone who would say man the preaching here is excellent but he could do better with visitation and some other things. I mean have you ever heard that in your life?!? I think Christianity today would be better off if it were so.
So far in my short read of the book he addresses a problem that dearly needs addressing. He seems to go about it in a civil manner leaving out any slandering or malicious attitude. He seems calm cool and collected and taking head on a great problem of our day. I think this book should be in every persons hands who even thinks about ministry. I pray the rest of the book will go as well as the intro and first couple of pages. If you've read it let me know what you think about it.

M Burgin

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